Pleione - albiflora


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Very rare albiflora species, firstly known by the natural cross " confusa "P.forrestii x albiflora.

Then, rediscovered around year 2000.  Only very few specimens reached Europe of which almost none survived.

It is closely related to P. humilis of wich it seems to be a very large type. last year we made the cross between both species.

It is not easy growing, same as forrestii and grandiflora, very salt sensative. Only quartz and salt poor organics in mixes. No terracotta or other stone  pots.  And for watering nothing else but rainwater. Yearly repotting.

seedling one or two years out of flask

2 seasons bulbils, still tiny, but a cheap way to obtain the species.

Available sizes:

in vitro ( flask ) seedling seedling one or two years out of flask two years or more out of flask half mature mature